When the microplants are large enough to be handled, they leave the lab for the polytunnels.
Here they are transplanted into a sterile potting compost with its unique formulation of
essential minerals and nutrients. Over the summer months, with optimal irrigaton and
nutrition, under careful monitoring and inspections the plants grow to maturity. Finally the
minitubers can be harvested, graded and sorted before being stored in our cold storage over
winter. Around March time they are distributed to our customers all over the world.
The process begins at S.A.S.A. in Edinburgh where certified potato microplants are
subcultured under aseptic conditions and controlled climatic conditions. Meristems taken
from tubers of these virus free tested approved stock are grown in aseptic conditions in the
laboratory. The resulting micoplants are sent to us at TLC where, still under aseptic
conditions and strict levels of quality control, our dedicated team take further cuttings to
produce new microplants. Cuttings are taken repeatedly until the desired number of
microplants of each variety is reached.